Quotes of Wisdom

Quotes of Wisdom

Thich Nhat Hanh 1926-present

A Vietnamese zen Buddhist monk and peace activist, nominated for the Nobel Peace prize by Martin Luther king jr. in 1967. Thay as he is affectionately known was refused entry into his native Vietnam also in 1967 and moved to France where he set up his plum village monastery, now home to over 150 monks and nuns. His numerous literary works include ‘peace in every step’ ‘the miracle of mindfulness’ and ‘old path white clouds’.

A truly extraordinary man who I personally had thought privilege to meet while at his plum village monastery, to sit in his presents was so calming, you didn’t feel nervous just completely loved. Thay has in recent times suffered from illness and has now been given permission I reside in his beloved Vietnam for his final days.

“There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way”

Albert Einstein 1879-1955

German born theoretical physicist who developed amongst many others the theory of relativity. He is most loved by the public for the equation E=mc2, winner of the 1921 Nobel prize for his services to theoretical physics and the discovery of the photoelectric effect, a pivotal role in the development of quantum theory.

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity”

Mahatma Gandhi 1869-1948

Leader of the Indian independence movement against the British rule of the time. Most memorable for his non violence approach, leading his fellow countrymen on a 400km march to the salt pans of Dandi in protest of the British imposed salt tax. Living modestly Gandhi wore the traditional Indian dhoti which he hand spun on his charkha. He ate simple vegetarian food and undertook long fasts as a means of both self purification and political protest. October 2nd is Gandhi’s birthday and worldwide has become the international day of non violence, in India it is also a national holiday. A truly remarkable man.

“Where there is love there is life”

The Buddha 623BC

Gautama Buddha lived 2563 years ago as a monk and teacher of which Buddhism was founded. Born a prince of the Shakya clan in northern India, now Nepal. Dissatisfied with his life and that of the human condition he left the royal palace in search of truth. After many years practicing Medici W yoga and other meditation techniques of the time, Sitting ina Medici was state for prolonged periods of time Gautama discovered his middle way or the noble eightfold path as the way to enlightenment. For the remaining 45 years of his life the Buddha taught this path, established the Sangha and monastery’s through out his travels leaving behind a legacy that has endured millennium.

“Peace comes from within, do not seek it without”

Kind and Warmest Regards

Dhamma Tāpasā* (Andrew Hallas)

*Dhamma Tāpasā is a fully trained former Buddhist Monk and the spiritual name given to Andrew Hallas. The creator of the highly acclaimed “The Four Trees” a story of learning how we can all live a more fulfilled and content lifestyle. Now a Life Changing and inspirational Positive Mind Transformative Guide, Mindfulness Trainer, Published Author and the creator of The Revive & Thrive – A Positive Mind Training

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Published by 4enlightenment

Dhamma Tāpasā is the spiritual name given to Andrew Hallas a fully trained and former Buddhist Monk who now Teaches & coaches the Art of Positive Thinking to Transform Your Mind.

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