Gratitude Meditation

Gratitude or Gratification meditation

Gratification Meditation is one of the best ways to overcome past traumas, Depression, stress and Anxiety being grateful for what we have in the moment allows no space for negativity, pessimism, doom or gloom. We sit naturally non judgemental and non discriminate.

Finding things to be Grateful for

Finding things in your life to be grateful for may be a little bit harder to do for some, so if you have a little trouble finding things to be grateful for this wonderful article entitled The Seven Wonders of Life, will really help.

Some of my personal Seven Wonders that I love to use while meditating with gratitude are, my adopted stray dog Marley, sometimes affectionately known as Marley Moo. He really is adorable and the unconditional love he has for me. It will put a smile on my face every time. Maybe you have a pet that you get great pleasure sharing love.

I also love the great outdoors and enjoy a good long walk, taking in the fresh air is magical. Maybe you also love to walk and spend time in he sunshine.We need to find a few things that will put a smile on your face something that we can be grateful about, then keeping those in your mind we begin to relax.

Let’s begin to meditate

This meditation can be practiced at home or at work, so long as you can find a quiet place you won’t be disturbed.

Sitting in a comfortable position, either cross legged on a meditation mat, using a meditation stool or a solid chair, keep a straight spine, not over pulling it one way or the other, gently relax your shoulders and bring your chest forward to allow your lungs to be fully open. Feel your muscles relax and your worries drift away. Softly close your eyes and take a few long deep breaths when your ready bring your attention to your breath. 

At this point, when my mind and body feel relaxed and peaceful I slowly go through my Seven Wonders list spending a nice amount of time on each one, feeling all the sensations of Love, passion and happiness in my body and across my face.Start with your favourite Seven Wonder, and visualise and hold onto the feelings it generates inside. You can stay just focused on your favourite wonder, you don’t have to move through them all.

There are no hard and fast rules for this Meditation except for generating feelings of bliss, contentment and happiness.

If You find your mind wanders, gently and kindly bring it back to your Seven Wonders of life. The amazing thing about this meditation is the concentration levels you can achieve very quickly, having something joyful for ourselves to focus on makes a remarkable difference.

Tips and tricks

Some points to remember,

Try to keep the breath as natural as possible, not to deep or shallow just allow it to be, without your interference. This can happen when we first stay to meditate because usually this is the first time we have spent time watching ourselves breath. Don’t worry you know how to breath you don’t need to interfere just relax.

Our minds will wander from the object of meditation from time to time, and when it does, don’t scold or punish yourself but always be kind, and gently bring your awareness back to the breath and start counting again.

Distractions happen easily, wether a noise, an itch, feeling uncomfortable or an urgent thought that maybe you have left the oven on. Always be kind and gently to your inner dialogue and gently bring your awareness back to your breath.

The underlying most important tip i can give is Kindness, you will never improve you Meditation if you keep scolding yourself with your inner dialogue. Be kind, smile, maybe even a little chuckle that your mind wandered again and gently bring it back to the breath

For more tips and tricks to the 15 most common meditation problems CLICK HERE!

Why are we doing this

The Benefits of Meditation have been well documented in the last ten years and with MRI scanners now showing us the actual visible results meditation brings it’s all time we started this wonderful new science. Meditation has a direct impact within our brains resulting in increased activity within the Anterior Cingulate Cortex, the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex and the Hippocampus region which is directly responsible for the grey matter produced in our brains. The possibilities this may have within the scientific fields of Alzheimer’s and memory retention are only just being realised.

I wish you all the success with your meditation and mindfulness journey.

Kind regards

Dhamma Tapasa

Published by 4enlightenment

Dhamma Tāpasā is the spiritual name given to Andrew Hallas a fully trained and former Buddhist Monk who now Teaches & coaches the Art of Positive Thinking to Transform Your Mind.

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