108 Defilements of Mind

The 108 defilements of our minds

It is said there are 108 defilements, impure thoughts or unwholesome qualities to our minds. In Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism the use of Mala Beads consisting of 108 small wooden balls represents the impurities or defilements of our minds and are traditional used to count the number breaths while meditating or to keep count of the repetition of a mantra.

How do we come by 108 Defilements?

We experience everything through our 5 senses of sight, sound, taste, smell and touch. In Buddhism there is a six sense that is our consciousness. Our Consciousness is where everything we experience from the 5 senses is processed. The eyes cannot know what it sees that is ther job of consciousness. The ears do not know what they hear, that is formed in our consciousness.

The 6 Senses

Now we have 6 senses, each individual sense can be experience in three ways. Either negative, positive, or neutral. This then makes 18 feelings. The 6 senses x 3. These 18 feelings can either be attached to pleasure or detached from pleasure making 36 passions. 18 Feelings X 2 is 36 passions. These 36 passions can be formed in either the past, future or present making a total of 108 defilements of mind. 36 Passions X 3 equals 108 defilements.

The 108 Defilements Of Mind

These pollutions or states of mind can cause us no end of suffering, however each is subject to impermanence, a forever changing state. This is the first law or, one of The Three Facts Of Our Life’s Existence. With realisation of impermanence we begin to see the suffering caused by attaching to these impermanent objects, material or not. This natuarally leads us to a realisation of the Non self or egoless and spiritual enlightenment.

How we all experience the world around us

Every circumstance or event we experience in life comes from our 5 senses. This experience, event or circumstance is then processed in our conscious mind. We then filter what we are experiencing using previously developed ideology’s, concepts and understandings of the world. These ideas and concepts produce our thoughts and our behaviours act out on those thoughts.

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Outside-in vs Inside-out

This is what makes us truly unique. Not one of us can have the exact same experience as another from the same event. The truth of our exsistance is that we have no control of the outside world. What we do have control over is our inside world. We can change our way of thinking and therfore our behaviours by how we form our ideas, concepts and understnading of the world. A sort of re-programming if you like. Seeing the concept that are thought make us who we are is a beginning of that shift in thinking. Being aware of the first fact of exsistance that all things are impermanant, makes holding onto views easier to let go. We have the choice as to how we behave or react in any given circumstance.

An A-Z Of The 108 Defilements

Abuse to Falsness

Abuse – of substance or person or animal

Aggression – the action of attacking without provocation

Anger – a very strong feeling of displeasure or outrage at something or someone

Arrogance – exaggerated experience of ones own importance

Baseness – lack of moral principles

Belittlement – to make someone feel less important than yourself

Blasphemy – speaking badly about sacred or religious things

Calculating – to be calculating in ones actions towards another.

Callousness – insensitive and cruel towards others

Capriciousness – impulsive and unpredictable

Censoriousness – to find wrongs in everything

Coercion – the practice of persuading someone to do somthing by using force or threats

Conceit – excessive pride in oneself

Contempt – a disregarding Of something or someone

Cowardice – a lack of bravery

Cruelty – behaviour that cause physics or mental harm to others animal or human

Cursing – to cause offence usually associated with anger

Deception – to mislead or misguide someone

Delusion – maintaining belief in something despite that of rational argument and proof

Denial – the refusal of the truth

Derision – ridicule or mockery

Desire – strong feeling of wanting or wishing

Deviousness – to be deceitful and underhanded

Dipsomania – interment bouts of alcoholism

Discontent – dissatisfaction with ones circumstances

Discord – lack of harmony with others

Disrespectful – showing a lack of courtesy to others and possessions

Dissatisfaction – the lack of satisfaction

Dogmatism – the tendency to lay down principles as truth, without evidence or opinions of others.

Effrontery – impertinent behaviour

Egotism – excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself

Envy – a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck

Excessiveness – going beyond what is necessary or needed

Faithlessness – betrayal or disloyalty of moral or religious principles

Falseness – the quality of not be open and truthful

Fame – a state of being known and admired by many

Gambling to Opression

Gambling – the act of risking for a greater reward

Garrulity – excessive talkativeness

Gluttony – overindulgence, excess of food, luxury or wealth

Greed – greed of money, possessions

Grudgingly – in a reluctant or resentful manner

Hard heartedly – lacking in sympathy or compassion

Hatred – an intense dislike

Haughtiness – arrogantly superior

Headiness – intoxication or inhibiting of the senses

High handedness – showing no sign of regard to the rights of others

Hostility – unfriendly or opposing tactics

Humiliation – to shame and humiliate others.

Hurtfulness – to cause pain or injury especially psychological

Hypocrisy – the claiming of higher standards than upholding

Ignorance – lack of knowledge or information

Imperiousness – domineering in a haughty manner, dictatorial and overbearing

Imposture – pretending to be someone or something other than yourself

Inattentiveness – without paying attention or particular notice

Indifference – lack of interest concern or sympathy

Ingratitude – a disagreeable lack of thanks

Insidiousness – intending entrapment of harmful rumours or misinformation

Instability – tendencies towards unpredictable behaviour

Intolerance – unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ from one’s own

Impudence – being rude and disrespectful

Impulsive – actions done suddenly and without forethought

Irresponsibility – lack of a proper sense of care or responsibility

Jealousy – of others

Lechery – is unrestrained indulgence in sexual activity

Lying – to oneself or others

Lust – lust for the flesh, money, fame

Manipulation – to manipulate ones dealings with others

Masochism – to derive sexual gratification from one’s own pain or humiliation

Melancholy – a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause

Mendacity – untruthfulness

Mercilessness – having or showing no mercy, pity

Negativity – criticism or pessimism over something

Obsession – the continual preoccupation of idea or thought

Obstinacy – a stubbornness within ones mind

Oppression – prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of authority

Ostentatiousness – pretentious show in an attempt to impress others

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Pessimism to Wrathful

Pessimism – a tendency to see the worst aspect of things

Power – the ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others and there actions.

Prejudice – preconceived opinion not based on experience or reason

Presumption – arrogant and disrespectful to the limits of what is permitted appropriate

Pretence – to make something that is not the case appear true

Pride – satisfaction in ones own achievement and successes

Prodigality – excessive or wasteful spending

Quarrelsomeness – the continuous argument of everything

Rage – uncontrollable violent anger

Rapacity – aggressive greed

Ridicule – to subject someone to contemptuous language or behaviour

Sadism – inflicting pain and suffering on oneself or others

Sarcasm – the use of irony to mock

Seduction – temptation in attractiveness by means of a lesser form of manipulation

Sexual Misconduct – with oneself and others partners our spouses

Shamelessness – behavior marked by a bold defiance of the lack of shame

Showoff – to boastfully display ones abilities

Spitefulness – desire to inflict injury or harm someone either physical or mental

Stinginess – unwilling to share with others

Stubbornness – sticking to one’s views, attitude or position on something or someone

Terrorise – to inflict mental of physical pain to animal or person

Torment – a continuation of something that causes suffering mentally

Tyranny – cruel and oppressive rule or control

Uncomprehending – the inability to grasp something even after logically argument

Uncompromising – unwillingness to make concessions for others

Unfriendliness – a state of being hostile towards others

Unyieldingness – inflexible in ones views or opinions

Vanity – excessive pride in ones appearance or achievements

Vindictiveness – to hold strong feelings of revenge towards someone

Violence – to cause or inflict violence of any form.

Voluptuousness – being lush and abundant to the pleasure senses

Wrathful – characterised by excess rage or anger

If you see any inaccuracies or indeed can think of anymore defilements or unwholesome qualities of mind then please contribute by leaving a comment below.

kind regards

Dhamma Tapasa*

*Dhamma Tāpasā is a fully trained former Buddhist Monk and the spiritual name given to Andrew Hallas. The creator of the highly acclaimed “The Four Trees” a story of learning how we can all live a more fulfilled and content lifestyle. Now a Life Changing and inspirational Positive Mind Transformative Guide, Mindfulness Trainer, Published Author and the creator of The Revive & Thrive – A Positive Mind Training

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Published by 4enlightenment

Dhamma Tāpasā is the spiritual name given to Andrew Hallas a fully trained and former Buddhist Monk who now Teaches & coaches the Art of Positive Thinking to Transform Your Mind.

11 thoughts on “108 Defilements of Mind

    1. 4enlightenment – Dhamma Tāpasā is the spiritual name given to Andrew Hallas a fully trained and former Buddhist Monk who now Teaches & coaches the Art of Positive Thinking to Transform Your Mind.
      4enlightenment says:

      Many thanks for counting and checking

  1. Pingback: Like – Sweraldo
  2. I constantly spent my half an hour to read this
    blog’s content every day along with a mug of coffee.

  3. Thanks for sharing. There are only 106 defilements, what are the two missing defilements?

  4. Correction: “lechery: is unrestrained indulgence in sexual activity, not “lecturing”
    Suggestion: “Coercion” and “cowardice” to add to your list so that it’s 108

    1. 4enlightenment – Dhamma Tāpasā is the spiritual name given to Andrew Hallas a fully trained and former Buddhist Monk who now Teaches & coaches the Art of Positive Thinking to Transform Your Mind.
      4enlightenment says:

      Wow Samanta that’s awesome detective work. How wonderful that’s been a long time in the making. Thanks also for the spelling mistake think that could of happened due to auto correction. Many many thanks 🙏 🙏 🙏

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