The Roman Soldier

The Roman Soldier

An Inspirational Short Moral Story

This story comes from a time during the Roman Empire where there were mighty gladiators and legendary Emperors. Our story is centred around a normal soldier who became a legend in his own right.

From a young age our soldier was always good at sports and always dreamed of becoming a soldier. His dream wasn’t just of an ordinary soldier he dreamt of glory and recognition.

By the age of twelve he had proved himself, and was excepted into the military academy. He enjoyed his life and strived everyday to become the best. Our soldier knew of nothing better than being a soldier in the Roman army.

Progressing well becoming one of the top students. Finally the day came of graduation, where he was selected to join the twelfth legion. An elite legion known for there bravery and savagery on the battle field.

Becoming a true Roman Soldier

He quickly excelled with his new legion, making friends quickly and soon become recognised as fearless and ruthless in battle. He rose through the ranks and became a sergeant looking after a dozen men.

Battle after battle were fought with our soldier and his brave twelve victorious at every turn.

He was gaining a reputation as one of the most mastered and revered soldiers in the entire Roman Empire.

More battles came with victories at every turn.

Until things started to change and a true legend was born.

It began with a pause in a battle to remove the wounded. While resting he watched the old and young come and tend to the wounded and find their loved ones. He watched as tears flooded the eyes and heart of one particular mother who wept desperately for her son, now lying motionless.

Like a lightening bolt our soldier could see this heartache and devastation was caused by his own sword and how his actions had an equal and opposite reaction.

No matter how hard he tried to shake these thoughts from his head, he just could rid himself of what he had witnessed. Something deep within him had started to change.

The battle was won and the legion were triumphant, but our soldier wasn’t celebrating, he was in deep remorse for that poor old lady and her son.

Right there and then he threw his sword to the floor never to pick it up again. He went to find the old lady who had wept for her son and on bended knees begged for her forgiveness.

What was our Roman soldier going to do now

He was released from duty, officially recorded as exhaustion, where he returned to his home town. Upon arriving home he was greeted as a hero, anyone brave enough to fight in the Roman army were treated this way. He felt very guilty for all this praise knowing the hurt and pain it had caused others.

Within a matter of days he entered a monastery to practice a simple life and to repent all his sins. He learned under a great master of the time and before long his heart was pure enough to allow for the healing.

With love now in the soldiers heart he walked the countryside spreading kindness and compassion wherever he could. His reputation began to spread far and wide as a saintly man full of love in his heart. He now wore the simple robes and collected only alms for his food.

He began to gather a following of men and women all eager to hear words of wisdom from this great man.

An so a legend was born.

The transformation of a soldier man

Moral of Story:

Author: Dhamma Tāpasā*(Andrew Hallas)

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Published by 4enlightenment

Dhamma Tāpasā is the spiritual name given to Andrew Hallas a fully trained and former Buddhist Monk who now Teaches & coaches the Art of Positive Thinking to Transform Your Mind.

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