Motivational and Inspirational Short Stories

Motivational and Inspirational Short Stories. 8 Spiritual Short Stories with morals to inspire and motivate us through our day

The Monastery

This Weeks Motivational Moral Short Story is ‘The Monastery’ a witty tale to inspire your week ahead.

The Three Questions

This weeks Motivational Moral Story. The 3 most important questions to ask yourself in life.

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The Monk and The Cricket

Lovely tale, never before published A meditation tale of how the little Cricket learns about his mind.

Weekly Moral Story Horishmo The Samurai Warrior

Horishmo The Samurai Warrior The Question Of Heaven or Hell A soldier named Horishmo came to a famous meditation master of old, and asked him a serious question, “Is there really a heaven and a hell?” “Who are you?” Demanded the famous meditation Master. “I am a samurai warrior” replied the soldier “You, a soldier!”ContinueContinue reading “Weekly Moral Story Horishmo The Samurai Warrior”