The Train Metaphor 

The Train Metaphor Imagine you’re at a train station… Sat there on the side of the platform… Watching trains come and go… Just Waiting for your train to arrive. Now let’s add another layer to this… Each train that arrives is a train that is built around a certain thought. And if you get onContinueContinue reading “The Train Metaphor “

The Pencil Analogy

The Pencil Analogy An Inspirational & Motivational Moral Story Analogies and Metaphors and the art of storytelling help us retain the information faster. The Analogy of the Pencil is one of those metaphors that once read we just simple can’t forget. Enjoy. The Pencil Analogy The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside and just beforeContinueContinue reading “The Pencil Analogy”

Optimism 4 Beginners

Optimism 4 Beginners is now available as a Free ebook to help us through these troubling times. With Russia invading Ukraine, Covid-19 and inflation starting to make its presence felt, Optimism 4 Beginners uses original metaphors and heartwarming stories to enhance strategies and techniques to keep a positive frame of mind.

The Prisons we create within our own Mind

As humans we all create glass ceilings within our minds. These can be like prisons within ourselves or limiting beliefs. These two short stories illustrate the point beautifully and can give us an enlightenment moment