A Course in Building Confidence and Self Esteem

Cam optimism be learnt? Can positive thinking change my life, Dhamma Tāpasā explores this fascinating topic.

The Floating Meditation

The Floating Meditation is very easy and simple to understand and forms part of our mini meditation series. Together we explore some old Buddhist secrets to help us all get some well deserved sleep and relaxation.

Get A Decent sleep

How Can I Get A Decent Nights sleep? Do these Buddhist secrets to drifting off into a deep and relaxing sleep.

5 Things that will Improve Your Life Today

5 Things that will Improve Your Life Today and Why You Need To Do These to Improve Your Life Self improvement can be a big undertaking. With these 5 simple strategies we will begin to improve our lives for the better. It is so great that you have decided that you want your life toContinueContinue reading “5 Things that will Improve Your Life Today”

The Buddha a short story

The life of the Buddha and his search for enlightenment. A wonderfully illustrated short story